Outpatient Services
Behavioral Health Assesment
A comprehensive behavioral health assessment is an in-depth and detailed. assessment of the recipient’s emotional, social, behavioral, and developmental functioning. For those settings in which the recipient routinely participates, a comprehensive behavioral health assessment must. This appointment last on average 1 hour and 30 min.
Evaluation & Management
A service provided by a Psychiatrist or a Psychiatric Nurse Practitioner to evaluate an individual’s need for psychiatric medications and the ongoing monitoring of the effectiveness of the medication in reducing the symptoms described in the evaluation session. Service normally last between 15-40 minutes.
Diagnostic Assesment
Diagnostic assessment is a clinical evaluation provided by a licensed professional in order to gather information to determine appropriate treatment based on the initial problem, current mental status and the diagnostic impression. This Service is provided by a fully licensed LCSW, LMFT, or LPC. Service normally takes 30 min-1 hour.
Addiction Severity Index
The ASI is a semi-structured interview designed to address seven potential problem areas in substance-abusing patients: medical status, employment and support, drug use, alcohol use, legal status, family/social status, and psychiatric status. The ASI provides an overview of problems related to substance, rather than focusing on any single area. Service normally last 1 hour.

What We Do
DCCSB utilizing a sliding scale fee for all services, this is based on a non-insured individuals’ ability to pay. Fees are thereby reduced for those who have lower incomes, or alternatively, less money to spare after their personal expenses, regardless of income. Douglas County CSB conducts apreliminary screening and risk assessment at the point of first contact with a all citizens interested in our services.
If the screening identifies an emergency or crisis need, an immediate response with appropriate services is required. The criteria do not specify the content of the preliminary screening and risk assessment.
Behavioral Health Specialty Care Program
After your Behavioral Health Assessment these service may be recommended to assist in your recovery. Public behavioral health programs for individuals with disabilities and high-risk populations require specialized solutions and dedicated staffing to coordinate care. We tailor our program strategies and administrative approaches to address the needs of targeted populations and the management visions of each of our clients.
Peer Support
Peer Support Services provide a safe environment for individuals with mental health or substance abuse issues to meet and provide mutual support. The program offers structured activities that promote socialization, recovery and wellness, self-advocacy, development of natural supports and community living skills
Case Management Services
Your case manager will collect and track the relevant information from all parties involved in your medical, legal, or social care as well as from personal stakeholders like family members, employers, trustees, or assistants. Your case manager will keep everyone apprised of new developments and allow each person to make fully informed judgments and decisions.
Individual/Family Therapy
Psychological counseling that can help individuals/or family members improve communication and resolve conflicts. Family therapy is usually provided by a psychologist, clinical social worker or licensed therapist.
Substance Use Disorders
SAIOP is an intensive substance abuse outpatient treatment program providing comprehensive support to people in early recovery for approximately 12-16 weeks . Clients receive 9 hours of group treatment a week, plus individual counseling, case management and couples/family counseling as needed.
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